5.0 out of 5 stars Publisher’s Review, 14 Jan 2011 By U P Publications Ltd
This review is from: South Kelsey: The History of a North Lincolnshire Village (Paperback)
A book for genealogists, historians and for those with an interest in Lincolnshire and its people, Jean Collins offers a composite picture of how South Kelsey and many similar country villages developed over the centuries. Jean has talked to many villagers who have shared their personal memories, recollections and photographs, some of which, with their kind permission, are included in this book.
This fascinating social history is a coherent account of many of the events and people that came together to make this lovely rural North Lincolnshire village.
5.0 out of 5 stars Gift, 24 July 2011 By JAH
This review is from: South Kelsey: The History of a North Lincolnshire Village (Paperback)
Bought as a gift for a friend who has just moved to one of the historic houses in the village – she was delighted with the local knowledge.
4.0 out of 5 stars South Kelsey, October 7, 2012
This review By jckf44 is from: South Kelsey: The History of a North Lincolnshire Village (Paperback)
This book came to me quite fast for an overseas purchase. Condition was excellent! Purchased this to assist me with our family geneaology. It didn’t give me formation I was seeking, but it is a detailed description of South Kelsey. At times, I felt I was in over my head trying to follow it, as it is written in a scholarly manner. This is not an easy read for a layp