Adrian Caltieri 4.0 out of 5 stars “Business Planning in Transport” by Adams Simmons is an excellent addition to the library of managers and students involved …Reviewed in the United Kingdom “Business Planning in Transport” by Adams Simmons is an excellent addition to the library of managers and students involved in the fields of operations, economics, marketing and business forecasting in the passenger transport industry. This book provides managers and students with a veritable toolkit for dealing with the issues posed in modern business planning. There is a high degree of analysis with examples from all modes of passenger transport, not just in the UK, but in Europe and worldwide.
The reader is taken through topics starting with the fundamentals of effective data presentation, followed by an in-depth review of economic aspects of transport demand. Quantitative methods and analysis are covered giving the reader further tools before moving on to investigate successful marketing strategies, business forecasting and finally investment appraisal techniques.
Each section of the book contains exercises, many based on case studies, (with answers at the back!) to enable students to re-enforce their learning.
Adam brings his experience to bear having gained this initially with British Rail and London Transport and more recently with Network Rail and the UK Department for Transport. In addition he has advised on transport projects in five continents and held academic positions with several UK Universities.
This book is a must read for any student of transport at degree or post graduate level.