Mac Black
Rosie Amber rated it 5 of 5 stars
Derek’s in Trouble is the second book in the Derek series of witty humorous tales about newspaper reporter Derek Toozlethwaite. Derek is surrounded by a cast of delightful characters who add to the chaos and calamity which is Derek’s life.
The book opens with recently married Derek caught dressing up in his wife’s clothes as part of research for a newspaper article. However wife Sally doesn’t see the funny side of her best pair of shoes being ruined and takes off to stay with her parents.
May 30, 2013 Ionia rated it 5 of 5 stars
The story of Derek’s misfortune continues in Mac Black’s Derek’s In Trouble. Without doubt, Derek must be the most efficient trouble magnet to ever roam the earth. Seriously, trouble comes looking for him without him even trying to find it.
I loved this book even more than the first one Please… Call Me Derek
Mac Black displays his use of easy-going humour and fun characters well in this second book in the series. As you read these novels, you are reminded of people in your own life. The hilarious antics of the main character and his family reminded me of how odd life can really be on a day to day basis.
The conversations are fun and the use of Scottish Brogue was a lot of fun to read. It is so easy to listen to these characters in your mind and that makes them seem very real to the reader.
As Derek’s adventures continue, he is older and (wiser?) Okay, maybe not so much wiser. He is married, has a different life than he did in the first book, but still has struggles he must face and overcome and they are still giggle-worthy.
I also really enjoyed the secondary characters in this story. There are quite a few things happening, and the author manages to tie them all together in the end without it ever becoming confusing.
Hands down, my favourite character this time was Gran. She is an ‘agony aunt’ (advice columnist/radio personality–think Dear Abby for those of you who aren’t familiar) and she is one tough lady.
When you get started with these books, Derek becomes a member of your own family. He touches your silly side, but also your heart. I can’t read these books without feeling a little sorry for the guy. I look forward to reading the next book in the series: Derek’s Revenge
If you haven’t checked out these books yet, you should. Need a good laugh? Want a story that is only just beginning?
The order of the Derek series:
Please… Call Me Derek
Derek’s in Trouble
Derek’s Revenge
Derek’s Good Relations
Derek Takes Action