5.0 out of 5 stars How much trouble can one person get in to?, 1 Mar 2014 By Roses are Amber
– This review is from: Derek’s in Trouble (Derek Series) (Kindle Edition)
Derek’s in Trouble is the second book in the Derek series of witty humorous tales about newspaper reporter Derek Toozlethwaite. Derek is surrounded by a cast of delightful characters who add to the chaos and calamity which is Derek’s life.
The book opens with recently married Derek caught dressing up in his wife’s clothes as part of research for a newspaper article. However wife Sally doesn’t see the funny side of her best pair of shoes being ruined and takes off to stay with her parents while her temper cools down.
Meanwhile there is so much else going on; Derek’s Granny gets a secret slot on the local radio as Granny Wisdom. Poor Hamish Macintosh is forced to sell up his farm. Aunt Thelma wants a motorbike and the lovely Sophie Clerkenwell-Brown wants to sign up the author of The Big Squeak, the mysterious Ivy Bloom. Then there are Arthur and Charlie, gardeners who are training for the Marathon and looking for sponsors and finally what is growing on Hamish’s old farm now being run by Tipsicorus International?
Just how much trouble can one man get himself into? You will have to read it and see, and like me, become a fan of Derek.
This review is based upon a free copy of the book given to me by the author.