5.0 out of 5 stars Reviewed in the United StatesMy husband and I are just getting underway planning a one year move to Spain with our two boys, who will be 9 and 13 when we take off. Lisa’s book has provided a superb outline of tasks and considerations large and small, only some of which had I fully thought through in advance of this read. Out situation being only a temporary move, Moving to Spain with Children is probably much more comprehensive than we ourselves need, so should provide a great launching pad for anyone considering any type of relocation abroad, covering everything from education and language considerations (for both you and your children) relative to the kind of community you’re looking for (big city where you’re likely to find lots of English speakers vs small and rural where you could get really stuck not knowing Spanish), to finding a place to live, starting a business and even health considerations for your pet (as well as your humans). Though geared, perhaps, a bit more to the UK expat (we’re Americans), I’ve really appreciated the info gleaned and Lisa’s personalized, easygoing sharing of her story to pave the path for the rest of us.