Roy Grantham: Biography
Roy was born in Derby in 1934 and now lives in Devon. After a hectic career in commerce and industry, he retired a few years ago to begin indulging his fascination with the written word, combining that with an equal fascination with human relationships: between husbands and wives, parents and children, sibling and sibling, grandparents and grandchildren, lovers and lovers, and many others.
It was only relatively recently that he got round to the question of publishing some of the twelve or so novels he has written, together with short stories and, according to him, very bad poetry. ‘The Boy in the Red Sweater’ was published in America a short time ago, while his second ‘Deeds and Misdeeds’ has found a sympathetic UK publisher. There are several more novels in the pipeline awaiting similar consideration.
5.0 out of 5 stars Deeds and Misdeeds, 14 Feb 2014
This review is By MG from: Deeds and Misdeeds (Kindle Edition)
From the opening sentence to the end, this story is a page-turner. Roy Grantham’s insight into the minds of his characters and their relationships carries conviction and is skilfully handled. Peter’s life was complicated enough and the last thing he needed was to be connected in any way to the death of a child – eyed with suspicion by the police and pursued, relentlessly, by the distraught mother.
I will certainly look forward to reading more from this author.